About Us

Clermont Publishing and Consulting was founded in 2023 by author Brenden Horned and editor Kris Swoboda to change the literature and book marketing industry. With plans to involve the reader in every published book, this duo works to provide a personal experience to every author as well.

Brenden published his first book that would change the industry at the age of 19 with the help of Kris, who provided both editing assistance and marketing skills in the publishing process. The first book Mr. Horned published was uniquely personalized with the addition of scannable QR codes and links to a specially curated playlist of songs that were created to immerse the reader fully into the mindset of the characters in each chapter.

Since then, both Ms. Swoboda and Mr. Horned were then eager to partner with more authors who wish to publish with contemporary experiences that invoke the reader into the story. They started Clermont Publishing and Consulting with the objective of providing authors with the necessary resources to succeed while maintaining creative control.
